More and more frequently, we are seeing the world through the eyes of others thanks to technological advances. One of those advances is the GoPro camera, a tiny video camera that allows people to take almost any type of video. In many cases, they are attached to a person’s body so that you get to see their vantage point or they may be strapped to a dog so that you can see what they see.
In this video, a man is using his GoPro camera to video some squirrels that are playing in the area. The vantage point is one that most people are not able to get, and it is rather cute to watch the squirrel coming over to investigate the little camera in his environment. As you are about to see, the squirrel did a little more than investigating what was going on, he picked it up and ran off with it, climbing a tree in the process.
I’m not sure what is funnier, the thought that the squirrel was making off with an elaborate electronic device or if it is the fact that the camera catches the owner standing at the base of the tree looking at his toy that is now out of his reach.