Wild Cats vs. Toilet Paper

When we bring a cat into the house, there are certain things that we come to expect. Even if we have never owned a cat before, it will take almost no time for us to begin to experience those same things in our own home. Perhaps at the top of the list of things a cat will do is unrolling all of the toilet paper in the bathroom and shred it to pieces. It’s great fun for the cats, but for the humans, not so much fun.

Of course, we are talking about domesticated cats but what would happen if wild cats were given the same opportunity to play with a roll of toilet paper as well? That is what the man in this video decided to determine. He had access to a number of species of wild cats, including lynx, ocelots and bobcats. He attached the toilet paper to the side of the cage and then stood back to see what would happen.

It is quite amazing that a cat is a cat, regardless of how big they happen to be. As it turns out, the big cats were just as interested in tearing up the toilet paper as were their younger cousins, although they did it with a little more gusto.