Squirrel Rescued from Drowning

Many of us find ourselves stuck in a cubicle or perhaps living a life inside of the city. Although it certainly is possible to make the most of it, the majority of us would also appreciate the opportunity to get out from time to time and enjoy a little bit of what nature has to offer. Perhaps we might go hiking in the woods or, as was the case in this video, you may go sailing on a lake.

When you are out enjoying nature, you never quite know what you are going to run into. In some cases, you may just see some beautiful scenery but in others, some interaction with animals is going to be rather amazing. That was the case with these individuals, who were out sailing on the lake for the day. They were enjoying nature but suddenly, they saw something rather unusual.

It was a squirrel who was trying to swim across the lake and appeared to be struggling along the way. To be certain, the squirrel was far from shore and, although squirrels can swim, it appeared as if this one may have been in over his head. Fortunately, the sailors were willing to jump in and lend a helping hand.