Charlie And The Seal

Many of us truly appreciate animals and we love being able to interact with them when we have the opportunity. The unfortunate reality for many of us, however, is that the interaction is going to be limited at best. Perhaps we may be able to see them at the zoo or we may be able to visit a farm, where we can see some domesticated animals, but when it comes to wild creatures, we can never really get close.

There are also individuals who have the opportunity to get up close and personal with some rather wild animals. That is the case with Charlie Bird who takes an expedition through Antarctica and is able to interact with seals in ways that many of us can only imagine. Of course, they are wild animals and you would need to be cautious but when you see him with the baby seals, there is perhaps nothing better in this world.

Although we may be limited to interacting with animals by viewing them through these documentaries, it really does help to teach us more about the world in which we live. Perhaps we may someday get the opportunity to see them in person as well but even if we don’t, seeing them on these videos is cute enough.