There certainly are a lot of adorable animals in the world and most of us likely have our own favorites. For some, it may be a domesticated animal, such as a dog or a cat but for others, it may be something a little more exotic, such as a lion or monkeys. If you have never had the opportunity to see a potbelly pig in action, however, it may just change your mind on which animal is your favorite.
Although most of us would not likely have a regular pig in our home, there are plenty of people who have potbelly pigs as part of their family. They are domesticated type of pig that originated in Vietnam, but now they can be found in many parts of the world. Like any animal that you may have in your house, potbelly pigs have unique personalities and along with any challenges that may exist in raising them, there are plenty of joyful moments as well.
This little video shows you some of those joyful moments. As the group of potbelly pigs enjoys their surroundings, they are also joined by the family dog. It’s difficult to watch this video and not consider the possibility of having one of these animals of your own.