Mission Impossible: Squirrel

It doesn’t matter whether you live in the center of a large metropolitan area or if you live in a cabin in the woods, there is one type of animal that is going to be constantly there. I’m talking about squirrels, and love them or hate them, you can’t help but appreciate their acrobatic skills. In fact, many people enjoy sitting back and watching squirrels climbing trees, jumping and doing what they do best. It can certainly fill a slow afternoon.

As many homeowners know, squirrels can also be somewhat of a nuisance. That is especially true if you are trying to feed birds, because squirrels will find a way to get into the birdfeeder each and every time. That is the subject of this video, and when you see what the squirrel has to go through to get to the birdfeeder, you are going to cheer when he actually makes it to the end.

I don’t know if it is the crazy antics of the squirrel or if it is the mission impossible theme playing in the background, but it certainly helps to improve your feelings toward these furry animals. Perhaps a squirrel getting in your birdfeeder is not such a bad thing after all.