Since the beginning of time, there has been certain species of animals that just don’t seem to get along with each other. Most of us will automatically think about dogs and cats, but it is also true of cats and birds as well. In fact, the Sylvester and Tweety Bird cartoon takes that possible scenario and makes us all laugh about it. In the real world, however, it is not always a laughing matter.
As you are about to see, it is possible for cats and birds to get along fine and you might be quite surprised with what type of bird happens to show up and hang out with the felines. Two adult bald eagles are sitting on the railing of the porch and below them are several house cats, all of whom seem perfectly content to be right there. The birds have no interest in attacking the cats but it is difficult to determine what the cats are feeling.
Eventually, the eagles began flying away and the cats continue to stand there, looking rather dumbfounded over the entire situation. It just goes to show you that it is possible for animals to get along with each other, even if they don’t have the right history.