When a natural disaster strikes, it can affect more than humans. Any living creature that happens to be in the area is going to be touched in some way or another. For example, we are introduced to a hippo in this video who was orphaned after a tsunami. Fortunately, the hippo was able to make a friend and they are rather unusual bedfellows. It was a turtle, and the two of them have been getting along rather nicely ever since.
This video shows something that many of us tend to overlook or see beyond because it doesn’t happen in our direct field of vision. All around the world, animals are distressed and many of them are living lives under the most unusual and, at times, sad situations. As you will see, however, they are all able to come out from under the difficulties with something unique, a friend that sticks by their side.
This video makes the challenge that you can not make it through watching it without crying. I have to admit, I started out feeling as if I could easily make it through but it wasn’t long before I had some tears rolling down my cheek. How will you do?