Tree Isn’t All It Appears To Be When Birds Perched In Its Branches Decide To Fly Away

When you look at the world around you, you typically think that you have a fairly good grip on what you see. After all, the eyes are constantly taking in what they see in the world around them, transferring that information as data that is then read by the brain. From time to time, however, you will see that not everything in front of you is as it appears. In fact, your eyes may even trick you at times into seeing something that doesn’t exist.

When you look at the tree in this video, what is the first thought that comes to your mind? For most of us, we would see a tree that is not unlike many others, one that has leaves and is perhaps providing shade for the house underneath it. What you are about to see, however, is going to amaze you.

Suddenly, the tree in this video is going to come to life and thousands of birds are going to disappear from its branches in a cloud of activity. In fact, there were so many birds in the tree that it even had the branches weighed down! This is just a lesson that not everything is as it seems.